Your Change Is Worth Every Penny

Want to help our children? Do you know that you can sponsor your own COHH event on our website? You get your own webpage with your own graphics for your event. You can plan a virtual event where your guests attend on line or you can plan an actual event and your guests can attend at your appointed time and place. Moreover, you can see your guests and their support for your event grow in real time on line.
If you need help with your event, we are here to help you. Anyone can host an event for any amount they wish to raise. COHH will acknowledge all donations. You can, of course, also receive anonymous donations. This is a great way to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other special times in your life or that of a family member or friend.
Did I say “no amount is too small.” In fact, your “change” is important to us. It all adds up. Ask your friends and families to donate their change to COHH. This will be your chance to make change work for you. You will not only have lots of fun, you will be helping less fortunate children to have some fun too. Go to the “My Fundraiser” page now!