The Gestation of A Truck Acquisition
Nearly 24 Months of Labor
COHH has been an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation since 2004. It has also been an authorized NGO in good standing in Haiti since 2011. One would think that given our long-standing status as a non-profit entity in the United States and Haiti, our purchase of a truck in Haiti would be uneventful. Unfortunately, that has not been the case.
In February 2020, we made an urgent appeal to several of our donors asking for their financial support to help purchase a new truck to replace our 11-year old truck that was on its last legs. Our supporters responded in a timely manner and by June 2020 we had adequate funds to purchase a new truck.
We gave the truck dealer a 25% deposit to place the order for the truck and agreed to pay an additional 25% deposit when the truck was ready for delivery from Japan and the balance upon delivery of the truck in Haiti. The balance due for the truck was paid in October 2020.
The rest of the story is too painful to recount so I will skip it and tell you that we finally took possession of the truck on January 18, 2022. We now have a brand new 2-year old truck!