Solar Energy Project
You Can Help Us Save Money For The Children

Although several years ago COHH paid to be connected to the Haiti power grid, for the past year the grid has been intermittent and lately non-existent. We use inverters and batteries as a backup to the grid. However, we must use the generator to keep the batteries charged. Therein lies the problem. The fuel is not only hard to find in unadulterated form, but also has tripled in price due to runaway inflation and domestic turmoil. Moreover, the generator was never intended to run at such great lengths and is likely to become dysfunctional at the current usage rate.
We would like to install a solar system on our campus as the best solution to our energy problem. It would significantly reduce our reliance on the grid and our cost of fuel while preserving the life of our generator. The current cost estimate for our campus, including installation, is $40K.
We would very much like your help with this solar project. We are hopeful that positive responses from all of you will be adequate to raise the required funding for the project. All donations (large and small) are needed and appreciated. To donate, click on COHH Solar Energy Project. We know that the COHH Solar Energy Project will be a long-term game changer for the future of COHH.