School Is Open!
Our school opened today - 2 weeks ahead of the Haitian public schools which moved their start date back to October 1st. We began with grades 1-3 totalling 40 children. In response to my request, one of our volunteers, Kari Fjeldberg, from Oslo, Norway provided a brief report on the preparations for Opening Day and the day itself:
Yes James, the school opened today and Jean Gabriel took pictures.
I visited some families yesterday and the children had already started preparing themselves for the opening day. Some taking baths in the river, some doing their hair nice! So it is an important day here. Saturday we had 40 children here to pick up their new school uniforms. All 40 playing football, jumping with jump ropes,hugging and kissing and drinking water! And like other days, they didnt want to leave!
The teachers were also happy to be back. I spent half the day with the first graders, and the other half with Marie and the second graders. The first graders were working with spelling and counting, the second graders worked with the french alphabet. Lucky me, the french alphabet is similar to the norwegian and much easier than the kreol alphabet!
Vernice made as always fantastic food, but this time to 40 children! Anpil manche!
Stanley [soon to be our first orphan] was here, Wisny picked him up in Hinche. I had his school uniform in the dorm. When he went in there and saw that I had made his bed and it was ready to move in, he smiled at me. When we drove him home he asked if the children would come tomorrow. So he wants to be here. The other boy was not here to day, but Jean talked to his grandfather. He will come tomorrow, and stay with his godfather in Hinche until he can move in.
Jean Gabriel, our Executive Administrator, also filed a brief report:
Today was pretty much an orientation day, the teachers emphasized the importance of hygiene, discipline and etc. Darling and Kari worked on culture building and also focused the attention of the 1st graders on how to use and flush the toilets and also went over other important materials.