Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary

We Have Met The Challenges …..
This year, 2024, marks our 20th Anniversary as a non-profit in Hinche, Haiti dedicated to providing an education to children of severe poverty who would not otherwise receive an education. The word “Haiti” alone speaks volumes about the challenges we have encountered along the way. We embarked on our mission with our eyes open even though we could not have foreseen the actual experience. What we did foresee and have experienced is the bright minds of a determined student body anxious to learn. Nothing can be more rewarding than to see our drops in a very large bucket of despair stand out as beacons of hope for the future of Haiti.
We Must Continue….
Our challenges were not just in Haiti. Raising funds for our mission proved to be equally challenging. As we have grown over the years, our expenses have also grown. We acquired property and built buildings, hired and grew the staff as needed and increased our student population to include grades one through thirteen. Every year has required extraordinary efforts to raise the funds needed to operate and grow for the next year. We are blessed and indeed grateful for all of our donors, some of whom have come and gone and others whom have been with us to this very day. We give the honor to God for bringing forth our financial support each year.
The Next 20 Years – Will You Join Us?
Now, after 20 years, we must continue to plan for the next day in our experience. Our student pipeline is full, our infrastructure needs are growing and our graduates are wondering “what is next for us?” We now know that we’ve only just begun for there is more in front of us than there is behind us. Therefore, we celebrate our 20 years by asking for help with the next 20 years. We have an enviable track record to validate the success of our mission. We offer that to all who wish to support us in exchange for your donations. Throughout 2024, we will present opportunities for donors to help insure the next 20 years for COHH. We look forward to your support.