Many Ways You Can Support COHH
The GiveLively platform enhances COHH’s fundraising capacity and lowers cost.
Our website has been completely revamped to provide an easy to read and navigate platform using all social media devices and outlets. We are partnering with to take advantage of the digital fundraising movement by dramatically improving the giving experience for everyone. GiveLively is a philanthropist-funded, social impact–driven tech company that collaborates directly with nonprofits to build better fundraising tech and give it away to them for free. By providing these services for free, GiveLively empowers nonprofits to devote more funds to their missions.
Donate Using Your Bank Account
It's simple: donating by bank account is by far the least expensive method of payment in terms of fees to payment processors. This means that COHH gets more from your donation, putting more of your contribution to work to fulfill our mission. Stripe, our payment processor, takes 0.8% of each bank account transaction, capped at $5, no matter how large the donation. This compares to credit cards, where fees can vary between 2.2% + .30c to 3.5% of the total transaction and are never capped.
Donate by Credit Card, PayPal or Apple Pay
We understand that some of you prefer to use your other means to donate. Our portals can accommodate your choice.
Donate By Check.
Send COHH a check. Sign up at your bank for monthly bill pay donations. All checks should be mailed to the following address:
Center of Hope (Haiti), Inc.
P.O. Box 1812
Orinda, CA 94563
Text to Donate
We have several portals on our GiveLively platform to accommodate designated giving, including our General Fund, School Building Fund, Scholarship Fund and the Friendship Project. You can select these funds on our website or you can text your support as follows:
text "COHHAITI" to 44-321
text "COHHSCHOOL" to 44-321
text "COHHSCHOLARSHIP" to 44-321
text "COHHFRIENDSHIP" to 44-321
Contact Us to Donate Securities
The transfer of appreciated publicly traded securities is a tax-efficient way of supporting COHH. We will work with you and your broker to make it happen. Please contact Julie Atkinson at
Conduct Your Fundraiser For COHH
Yes! You can create your own fundraising campaign in support of COHH on our GiveLively platform. Click the DONATE button or any Fund on the COHH website. You will be directed to a secure portal on the GiveLively site. The button in the lower right of the page allows you to create a fundraiser for COHH. GiveLively will provide all the tools for your fundraiser.