Enhanced Education EnvironmentHaiti ChildrenHaiti OrphanageHaiti School
Clarens, Nelson & Stanley
COHH was founded as an orphanage and school. We have four resident boys who joined us in the first grade and are now in their teenage years. The boys came to us as orphans at early ages with no knowledge of their parents or relatives. They now live with us as brothers of another mother and another father. Coincidentally, three of the boys’ birthdays occur in the third quarter of the year. Each year, there is a celebration for them with a couple of their friends.
Happy Birthday Clarens, Nelson and StanleyThe Feast
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Feb 22, 2014
Your Change Is Worth Every Penny
Want to help our children? Do you know that you can sponsor your own COHH event on our website? You get your own webpage with your own graphics for your event. You can plan a virtual event where
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