Haiti In Turmoil – Yes

We have received a number of inquiries about the recent news events in Haiti. Unfortunately, Haiti continues to spiral downward.
Since the terms of all elected officials in Haiti have expired, Haiti does not have a government with authority. As a result, the respect for authority has all but collapsed, and the gangs in the Port Au Prince area control most of the activity. Adding to the chaos, the gangs overran the prisons in Port Au Prince and released more than 4500 criminals. In the last week, the two major airports in Haiti were shut down after planes were fired upon. It is difficult to enter or leave Haiti at this time. In fact, acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry has not been able to return from his trip to Kenya where he was hoping to secure support to restore order to Haiti. A state of emergency has been declared in Haiti as gangs are burning police stations and other buildings.
We Are Wary and Aware
Our school is located 80 miles northeast of Port Au Prince in the Central Plateau region near Hinche. At this time, we have not been impacted by the turmoil in the south. However, as we are dependent upon goods and services that originate in Port Au Prince, we will undoubtedly experience some shortages. We pray that the gang activity will not come north.
From time to time, the government orders all schools, public and private to close. There are also times when the children do not wear their uniforms to school to avoid being identified. At present, our school is open, and the children are attending class wearing their school uniforms.
Our teachers have encountered roadblocks from time to time and have not been able to come to work. We have provided them with funds to give to those blocking the road in order to allow them to come to work. We also provide them with fuel for their motor bikes or funds to pay for fuel.
We Appreciate You
We are indeed grateful for your continued support. We hope that you can appreciate how desperately it is needed.
Julie Atkinson
Executive Director and Board President