Does Haiti Celebrate Thanksgiving?
Does Haiti Celebrate Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a congressionally declared holiday in the United States. No such action has taken place in Haiti. However, there is more to the day than a declaration. In fact, the celebration took place in the United States before any act of Congress. The day is a time of families and friends coming together, in peace and harmony (hopefully), to break bread and give thanks to God for His blessings throughout the preceding year.
In Haiti, there are celebrations throughout the year in recognition of blessings the people have received. Although poorer than most in the western world can imagine, the people celebrate with enthusiasm, merriment and joy that is accentuated by music, food and drink. They are thankful in many ways that affect their daily life and well-being. At our orphanage, the prayers of thanks include the following:
· Thank you for the rain – but not too much please
· Thank you for our new road – it is much smoother and we can now go fast
· Thank you for bringing electricity to town – although I cannot yet afford it
· Thank you for our livestock market – now I have three goats
· Thank you for the new school at COHH – now one of my children can go to school
· Thank you for COHH donors – they made it possible for our children to go to school
· Thank you for Pastor Geffrard – he stood up to the thugs that tried to take our property
Does Haiti celebrate thanksgiving? The caption picture answers the question for me. It was taken over 11 years ago at Caesse in the northern part of Haiti at 4:30am in the morning. It was the beginning of my mission to Haiti. I do not know where those girls (now young ladies) are today, but I know where I am in Haiti. I celebrate those girls and thank God for sending them my way to open my eyes to the needs in Haiti. Thank you Lord.