From First Grade To Fourth Grade
As we begin the second half of our fourth year as a school, we see a remarkable difference in our children. Our classrooms are a marked improvement over the typical classroom in rural Haiti. We make special efforts to maintain a good learning enviroment. We are grateful to the parents and caregivers who volunteer to help us in this regard.
Our first grade is now our fourth grade. They have served as role models for the three grades that follow them. We are very proud of their progress. Before this year is out, they will be fifth graders!
Our third graders are reading and writing in french and creole. It was not that long ago when they did not appreciate the value of reading and writing. Today, they love to read and to write, particularly short stories. They are also excited about dinosaurs and the solar system. These things are all new to them.
Our second graders are somewhat giddy about being a class ahead of the first grade. They feel a bit of independence now that they know how to spell their names and write certain words in creole. They are very curious about the internet and love to work with the new note pad computers. Fortunately, they still like playing outdoors at recess.
Our first graders are very special. They have learned a lot from the older children in addition to their teacher. As you might imagine, they are curious and "why" is a common question. We are very pleased with their progress this year, despite having to find a new teacher shortly after the school year began. Fortnately, the new teacher has been terrific with the children.